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Bible Basics

Bible history, biblical overview, worldview studies, advanced biblical study tools for interpretation practice



Natalie Witcher


Class size:

minimum 6, maximum 16


Additional fees:



Class options: (Meets once/week)

(Tues-3) 12:05-1:25 

(Wed-3) 12:05-1:25 


Pre-requisites for class:



Graduation requirement:

1 Elective or Social Studies

(*see description)

  • Course Description

This high school Bible course covers the history of the Bible and Bible translation, Biblical overview of both testaments’ content and themes, Greek and Hebrew worldview, and provides the student with advanced biblical tools and resources in order for the student to know how to read and study the Scripture with clarity, wisdom, and humility.



Course Objectives:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of Scripture

  • Understand the tools and resources to study Scripture

  • Know the basic ways to intellectually approach the Scripture

  • Learn the fundamentals of worldview and how it affects the way we read the Bible

  • Have a clear understanding of how to approach the text on its terms

  • Gain a knowledge of basic hermeneutical methods of biblical interpretation for both personal and academic growth

  • Required Books & Materials


A paper copy of one of the following translations: ESV, NASB, or NIV


*No digital Bible

  • 2” binder with loose leaf paper

  • Must be able to print materials at home

  • Pens/pencils

  • Classwork / Homework

The class will consist of lectures using slides, videos, note-taking practices, and will include group activities. 


Students will be expected to complete homework that reinforces the lesson which may include short answers, essays, memorization, quizzes, and the use of basic study skills. Students will have a final project at the end of the spring semester.


Weekly time commitment: approximately 1-2 hours/week 

Course Credit:

This course could satisfy either a social studies unit credit (i.e. History of Religion or World Religion) or elective credits of the same.

Contact the instructor if you have additional questions.
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