Physical Science
Introduction to physical science
Class size:
minimum 8, maximum 16
Additional fees:
$50 lab fee/year
Class time: (Meets once/week)
(Tues-1) 8:45-10:05, (Tues-3) 12:05-1:25
(Wed-1) 8:45-10:05, (Wed-3) 12:05-1:25
Pre-requisites for class:
Graduation requirement:
Course Description
The objective of this class is to equip students with a basic understanding of physical science concepts.
Machines and Motion: Understand simple machines such as levers and inclined planes. Learn about the laws of motion. Study friction, momentum, pendulums, and more.
Heat and Energy: From fossil fuels to nuclear power plants. Discover electricity, magnetism, light, and sound.
Inventions and Technology: Learn the physical science behind flight and the advances in communication. Study airplanes, rockets, telephones, and computers.
Classwork / Homework
Class time will consist of guided note taking, group discussions, and hands-on activities. Throughout the week, students will complete reading assignments, answer study questions, and record observations from class experiments. All of the material will first be introduced in class. Students will print the homework that is posted to Google Classroom.
Required Books & Materials
God’s Design - Physical World
ISBN: 978-1-68344-131-1
*Student book only*
Publisher: Master Books
Recommended Retailers: & Mardel
composition notebook
folder or binder for graded work and handouts
colored pencils
(periodic) supervised internet access