Exploring creation through advanced biology
Class size:
minimum 5, maximum 16
Additional fees:
$60 lab fee/year
Class time: (Meets once/week)
(Wed-4) 1:30-2:50
Pre-requisites for class:
Biology and Chemistry
*exceptions with approval
Graduation requirement:
1 lab science credit
Course Description
This advanced high school biology course is designed for students who have completed high school Biology and Chemistry science courses. This course includes sixteen in-depth modules on human anatomy and physiology, including the skeletal, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Student text includes study questions, laboratory exercises, and illustrated module study guides.
This is an advanced course, however, upon completion, this course may be listed as Advanced Biology or an honors course on high school transcripts and is rigorous enough to prepare students to be successful in college-level science classes.
This course is ideal for those students seeking to major in the field of science in college or those who have a sincere interest in the human body. I hope that through this Biology course, students will see that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Creator and will see the details and design in every aspect of the human body. The class fulfills one high school science credit with a lab.
Organization Levels
Students will cover the organizational level of the human body from a single cell to the 11 major organ systems including skeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, muscular, integumentary, lymphatic, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive.
Location and Function
Students will be able to identify and describe the structures and functions of the major components of each of the major body systems and how they relate to each other.
Students will learn, understand, and use scientific terminology related to the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
Experiments and Lab Reports
The student will be able to locate and identify anatomical structures, describe physiological processes, and perform dissections effectively. Students will be able to communicate their results both in writing and orally.
Required Books & Materials
Advanced Biology 2nd Edition, Student Textbook
ISBN 978-1-946506-60-3
Publisher: Apologia Educational Ministries
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
Publisher: Zondervan
Check used booksellers for the best price.
Coloring book
Reinforced loose-leaf notebook paper
Access to internet and printer
No spiral notebooks allowed
Classwork / Homework
Classwork will include lectures, note-taking, discussion, experimentation, microscopy, and a dissection lab. Lab reports and homework will be completed at home. Quizzes will be given in class with tests given both in class and at home.
Homework/time commitment: approximately 4-6 hours per week on reading, coloring, homework, and lab reports. Additional time is needed to study for tests.