Drama - Beginning
Introduction to drama, performance skills, and theater
Class size:
minimum 10, maximum 20
Additional fees:
$50 - materials and script fees
Class time: (Meets once/week)
4-7th grade: (Tues-1) 8:45-10:05
7-12th grade: (Wed-4) 1:30-2:50
Pre-requisites for class:
Graduation requirement:
Course Description
This course will introduce students to drama and acting. We will cover terminology, concepts, blocking, and the history of theater. There will be monologue work, in-class performances, and partner dialogue work. We will also do several in-class group performances. We will also cover improvisation and have many opportunities to explore and have fun with it.
This class will prepare and perform a Christmas play at the end of the first semester. We will also be preparing and performing a drama review in April of the second semester. This will include various monologues and short plays that give all students a chance to shine.
Required Books & Materials
3 ring notebook
Notebook paper
Classwork / Homework
Class time will consist of learning about dramatic concepts and proper performance techniques. Students will perform their monologues in class and will work together on partner dialogue and scene performances. Class time will be used for rehearsals on partner work and preparing for the spring performance.
Students will be required to work on their monologues, scene lines, and music outside of class. Memorization will be required for most performances both in class and on stage.